Compaq SANS Lab
Compaq Computer Corporation, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Project involved design of a world class computer room facility, data closets, showcase training rooms, and conference rooms intended to showcase hardware and software for Compaq Computer Corporation. The computer room required nine 30 ton Computer Room Air Conditioners (CRAC’s). The CRAC units utilized chilled water from the central chiller plant, and included infrared humidification, and variable frequency drives. The training rooms and conference rooms were served by an existing air handling unit that was converted from a constant volume system to a variable air volume system. The air distribution system utilized series fan powered variable air volume boxes in the training rooms, conference rooms, and on exterior zones. Pinch-down variable air volume boxes were utilized on interior unoccupied areas requiring cooling only. A new constant volume ventilation air handling unit was installed to provide 100 percent outside air to the existing air handling units. This unit included an integral face and bypass heating coil and evaporative cooling section to condition the ventilation air. The mechanical systems were controlled by standalone direct digital controllers and connected to the Building Automation system. The CRAC units were also integrated with the Building Automation system to provide a fully integrated control system for the entire facility. The existing restroom groups were renovated to comply with the current ADA requirements. The existing fire sprinkler system was modified based on the new space layout and to provide separate zoning for the computer room.
Architect | Contractor | Completion Date | Construction Cost |
Van Sant Group Mr. Tom Thompson Colorado Springs, Colorado (719) 578-8778 |
Heating & Plumbing Engineers | 1 July, 2000 | $870,000 |